Valemon the Bear
a multimedia story from Emergence Magazine
Experience Valemon the Bear here
Myth in the Age of the Anthropocene
Is it naive to say that the world as we know it won’t end if we keep telling stories? Maybe not, if we reconsider the kinds of stories we tell. Ancient stories, myths, old tales—these kinds of stories hold something powerful. Call it bone memory, call it the deep, primordial part of ourselves, call it the voice that gossips with the wild, across species and across time. If we listen, we hear it calling. If we listen, we find ourselves deep in the forest, where a large white bear holds something we all desire. What journey lies ahead if we follow our deepest longing?
Role: Producer, Cinematographer, Editor
Director: Emmanuel Vaughan-Lee
Text: Martin Shaw
Experience Design: Studio Airport
Client: Emergence Magazine