Virtual Reality Immersive Cinema
In 2017 I began my journey into immersive cinema with long-time documentary film collaborator Emmanuel Vaughan-Lee. In partnership with GoProject Films and Emergence Magazine, we created Sanctuaries of Silence and The Atomic Tree. Sanctuaries of Silence was featured on The New York Times Op-Docs, had a large festival run including SXSW and HotDocs, and received the Best Sound Experience award at SIMA 2018. The Atomic Tree premiered at SXSW and received the Best VR Experience, VR Journalistic Achievement, and VR Immersive Impact award at SIMA 2020
In 2019 I joined forces with Gary Yost and the WisdomVR Project a non-profit committed to creating an immersive library of shared wisdom. To date we have created eleven 360/VR experiences of diverse wisdom and our most recent "Inside COVID19" was nominated for a 2021 Primetime Emmy in the Outstanding Interactive Program. We are committed to experimenting within the medium of VR while creating a living library of cinematic experiences and an open-source, global educational platform. As we scale we will be developing a free curriculum so anyone, anywhere can create WisdomVR experiences in their own communities and share them with the world.